The Arbold Arnold Sports Festival, also known as the Arnold Schwarzenegger Sports Festival is an annual multi-sport event consisting of professional bodybuilding (Arnold Classic), strongman (Arnold Strongman Classic), fitness, figure and bikini expo weekend. It was founded in 1989 and is named after Arnold Schwarzenegger. The main event is held annually in late February or early March in Columbus, Ohio, USA by the International BodyBuilding & Fitness Federation (IFBB). It is the second most prestigious event in professional male bodybuilding, physique, figure and bikini; As well as formerly the second most prestigious event in female professional bodybuilding.
A lucrative sporting competition, the ASF offers a large number of great prizes. In particular, the first price in bodybuilding consists of a check for $ 130,000, a Hummer vehicle and an Audemars Piguet watch. Since the bodybuilding title Mr. Olympia pre-dates and offers higher prices than the ASF, a rivalry in prestige and popularity [citation needed] came into being. The ASF is still very contested, often with one or two competition points separating the winners.
The star cheerleading competitions cover a two-day period (usually all day on Saturday, and at noon on Sunday). More than 4,000 competitors participated in the cheerleading event in 2014. Each team (15-30 cheerleaders) is preparing to perform a two and a half minute routine. Once the routines are finished, the teams are marked by a jury, each judge being expert in a field of cheerleading (jumps, tumbling, stunting, etc.). Once the scoring is complete, each team entered into the competition is called up for the prizes, during which each team has a chance to win several times. The ASF prizes are: National Champion Jackets, trophies for each team, personalized medals, limited edition stamps and Grand Champion banners, and possible partial or full payment for Cheerleading World contests.
On June 7, 2013, promoter of the ASF event, Jim Lorimer, announced that from 2014, the "212" of the ASF, professional division of men's musculation, would permanently replace the international competition of musculation of Mrs. International. Lorimer, in a statement, said: "The Arnold Sports Festival has been proud to support female bodybuilding through Ms. International for the last quarter century, but in accordance with the demands of our fans, the time has come To introduce the Arnold Classic 212 from 2014. We are delighted to create a competitive professional platform for some of the most popular competitors of the IFBB Pro League. "
A lucrative sporting competition, the ASF offers a large number of great prizes. In particular, the first price in bodybuilding consists of a check for $ 130,000, a Hummer vehicle and an Audemars Piguet watch. Since the bodybuilding title Mr. Olympia pre-dates and offers higher prices than the ASF, a rivalry in prestige and popularity [citation needed] came into being. The ASF is still very contested, often with one or two competition points separating the winners.
The star cheerleading competitions cover a two-day period (usually all day on Saturday, and at noon on Sunday). More than 4,000 competitors participated in the cheerleading event in 2014. Each team (15-30 cheerleaders) is preparing to perform a two and a half minute routine. Once the routines are finished, the teams are marked by a jury, each judge being expert in a field of cheerleading (jumps, tumbling, stunting, etc.). Once the scoring is complete, each team entered into the competition is called up for the prizes, during which each team has a chance to win several times. The ASF prizes are: National Champion Jackets, trophies for each team, personalized medals, limited edition stamps and Grand Champion banners, and possible partial or full payment for Cheerleading World contests.
On June 7, 2013, promoter of the ASF event, Jim Lorimer, announced that from 2014, the "212" of the ASF, professional division of men's musculation, would permanently replace the international competition of musculation of Mrs. International. Lorimer, in a statement, said: "The Arnold Sports Festival has been proud to support female bodybuilding through Ms. International for the last quarter century, but in accordance with the demands of our fans, the time has come To introduce the Arnold Classic 212 from 2014. We are delighted to create a competitive professional platform for some of the most popular competitors of the IFBB Pro League. "
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