Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Honorary Degree

An honorary degree or a degree honoris causa (Latin: "for the sake of honor") is an academic degree for which a university (or other institution that issued it) has waived the usual requirements, as a freshman, residence , a dissertation and the passing of comprehensive examinations. The degree is typically a doctorate or, less frequently, a master, and can be assigned to someone who has no previous link with the academic institution or without previous post-secondary education. An example of identifying a recipient of this award is as follows: Doctorate in Business Administration (On Cause.).
The degree is often given as a way to honor the contributions of a distinguished visitor to a specific field or to society in general. He is often given to the graduation speaker at a university or college, and university can benefit from cooperation with the person in question. The degree is not recognized by employers as having the same stature as a corresponding doctorate earned and should not be represented as such.
Sometimes it is recommended that these degrees be included in your CV as a prize, and not in the training section. As for the use of this honorary title, the policies of the institutions of higher education in general demand that the recipients "refrain from the misleading title" and that the recipient of an honorary doctorate should limit the use of the title " Dr "before the name of any engagement with the higher education institution in question and not within the wider community. Rev. Theodore Hesburgh held the record for most honorary degrees, which was obtained 150 during his lifetime

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