Nutrition Facts Acai Berry
Does acai berry has the highest antioxidant levels of some of the commonly known superfruits like pomegranate, blueberries, etc.?
A research revelation states that acai actually bring any extra nutrients benefits of some of the fruits of common use such as mango, blueberry, pomegranate, etc. Acai berry is a simple, which has been in use as a traditional staple food of the river Amazon tribes centuries, but somehow it has recently gained recognition as the so-called state of "super-food" in the Western world. However, this wonderful berry provides high levels of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins that could benefit overall health and fitness.
Acai berry is a small round purple fruit, deep obtained from the acai palm tree. Botanically, acai belongs to the palm family Arecaceae or the tall trees of the genus Euterpe, and botanically known as Euterpe oleracea.
Acai palm is a tall, slender tree that grows to a height of 15 to 25 m. An average mature plant can possess well-developed 10.3 stems 10-18 cm in diameter each from a single root system. Grows best under low waterlogged plains receive good annual rainfall. Each rod behaves as a single tree and leads 3-5 bunches with each bunch carrying hundreds of fruits of the forest very similar to areca palm or date.
Each measures of acai berries about the size of grapes small, 2-3 cm in diameter. immature fruits appear dark green, initially, that become purple high following through obtaining maturity. Technically, the result is a "drupe", which consists of the external-edible pulp surrounding a large central seed (stone). Only the part of the pulp (mesocarp), which includes just about 10-15% of the berry weight is edible.
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